Our Engagement Model

All good projects begin with an understanding and agreement of the goals and scope. Successful project end with an appropriate handover. We designed our delivery model to ensure we deliver products that meet the goals we agreed prior to delivery. This is how our delivery model helps us handover successful project.

Requirements Gathering – Our first sit down and discuss:

  • Goals: What are you looking to achieve with this website? This could range from professional portfolio page, blog site, attracting new customers to your local business, or creating an e-commerce solution.
  • Domain Names and Hosting: Do you currently have a domain name and hosting plan, or do you want to explore ideas?
  • Potential Solutions: There are several ways to tackle a problem. I will suggest potential solutions that will offer the quickest delivery, or review ideas for custom technical solutions. This will all be based on the goals we discussed.
  • Design Ideas: Do you have a predetermined idea on the look and feel? Do you have a logo and brand already in place? We’ll review options and ideas.

Statement of Work

After we have met to discuss requirements, I will review the goals based on our requirements meeting and derive a plan with a timeline of delivery and pricing.

Design & Development

Once we agree to the work, I will begin the design and development process, keeping you looped in throughout the process. This will include a testing plan based on requirements. Web projects will be tested for responsiveness and design on multiple screens, and browsers.


When the product is ready for delivery I will begin the process of implementing and configuring the site and content online.


If you prefer to manage your site upon completion, I will handover the site and offer training to allow you to manage and edit your content.

Our Delivery Model